
Custom Stores

Custom Stores Integration

Cart Abandonment for Custom Stores

Whatever your eCommerce or form entry system, Fresh Relevance can easily integrate with it. Over half of our clients have custom stores or form-based websites.

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Sales uplift

Fresh Relevance works well, whatever the store or data entry system, and outperforms built-in cart abandonment by up to 4x because we:

  • Identify more shoppers, for example using sophisticated ESP integration.
  • Collect more and better data, e.g. product browsing from before a shopper has been recognized.
  • Add Browse Abandonment Recovery to bring back even more shoppers (for an extra 3% sales uplift).
  • Form abandonment too (a lot of our of clients use this).
  • Real-time Emails, not next day, because you lose 90% of shoppers if they have to wait.
  • Personalized Emails, with cart contents, product recommendations and other smart blocks, for maximum effectiveness
  • Personal recovery programs for each type of shopper and product, sending 1, 2, 3 or more recovery emails.

Recovery Emails (Cart, Form and Browse Abandonment)

  • Send recovery emails to call back abandoning customers within minutes. Real-time emails are an essential marketing tool for shoppers who abandon their carts, with very good ROI.
  • Recovery emails include the shopper’s cart (product pictures, descriptions and prices and links back to your store), so lapsed shoppers can easily click, return and buy.
  • Add Browse Abandonment Recovery to bring back even more shoppers (for an extra 3% sales uplift).
  • Use Purchase Complete emails and Form abandonment too (a lot of our of clients use this).
  • Personalize emails with real-time content such as product recommendations, hero images for Gmail grid view and smart blocks such as count-down timers.
  • Use different recovery programs for different types of shopper (advice) and send a sequence of 1, 2, 3 or more recovery emails.

Recovery Emails (Cart, Form and Browse Abandonment)



Established in 2013 and based in Southampton, UK. Fresh Relevance is the real-time engagement marketing company that drives sales for online retail and travel brands with real-time, hyper-personalised website and email content.